A downloadable portfolio item for Windows

This project is part of a portfolio that I will be creating to showcase for employment.

This project is an early prototype of weapon systems and animation control. It showcases a custom firearm raycast firearm script, weapon pickups and animations, and some VFX created using Unity's Visual Effects graph. The demo scene also has an area for showcasing fire and explosion VFX, which required a custom shader to be created.

This project began with the intention of using semi-realistic weapon behaviour but I have recently decided to take a more sandbox approach, where weapon reloads are disregarded. This not only simplifies code and animations for myself, but also makes me feel as though it adds more fun to the project. Instead, weapons have a heat attribute. This increases with every round that is fired and decreases over time.

Audio for the character is yet to be dealt with, as with a few other mechanics, but I believe that the current foundation of this project is solid.

Please ignore the models, they were from when I had plans to make it semi-realistic.


Tac Shooter Demo (zip) 33 MB

Development log

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